Doris M Holden - Writings
Transcripts, manuscript and published versions
The London ‘bus-conductor is a cheery
sort of chap,
With a fund bat ready humour tucked
underneath his cap.
He will talk on any subject — morning,
noon, or night.
But the Peterborough' laddie says nothing
but—“‘Hold tight !"”
The London 'bus-conductor has a smile
for every fare;
He likes to see a pretty girl trip up the
Winding stair.
He gallantly assists her, and asks if she’s
all right,
But the Peterborough laddie says ‘nothing
but—‘‘Hold tight!”
The London ’bus-conductor has a help-
ing hand to spare
For the crippled, and the aged, and the,
overburdened fare,
But the Peterborough laddies watch them
‘painfully alight,
And, callously indifferent say nothing
but—“Hold tight!” :
If the London 'bus-conductor, on his
annual holiday,
Were to take a ‘“busman’s holiday” and
travel up this’ way,
He might instil the knowledge (by &
method impolite),
That one’s duty is not finished when one
has said —“Hold tight!”
Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)
Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:
Publication Reference details if known
Peterborough Citizen Date unknown
Original DMH Cutting
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