
Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions

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Saturday Competition - The Longest Day

[A first_prize of two guineas and a second pried of one guinea were offered for not more than a hundred words on how to spend the Longest Day] …

Peterborough expounds her plan as follows: -

The longest day is the most suitable day for tackling all those jobs that you normally “haven’t time for.” Write that overdue letter, pay that outstanding bill, make that postponed call, do that neglected repair, turn out that “glory hole.” Make it a day of things accomplished, a satisfactory day to yourself, and a happy day for others.

Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)

Saturday Competition entry inspired by the summer solstice - the longest day - that warranted a special mention in the review of entries. Unfortunately the original entry along with the identity of the newspaper this competition featured in is currently unidentified.

Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:

Publication Reference details if known

Unknown 20 June 1934

  • DMH Cutting

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