
Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions

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The Contributors Club - Man Proposes

"Woman is warrior's mate, 

‘Let her bear sons;

Bid her provide us men

To feed our guns."

Silent the Woman went 

{None saw she smiled) 

Crooned cradle-songs of peace 

Over her child. 

Sang him that love is strength, 

Hatred a sin,

Whispered to dawning mind: 

"AlI men are kin.”

"This is no cannon-food 

Woman, of thine:

 “May, you forgot," she said, 

Six years were mine.”

Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)

One of Doris' pieces for the "Contributor Club"

Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:

Publication Reference details if known

Review of Reviews September 1934

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