
Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions

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To combine writing with running a home is no easy matter and makes going out to look for copy almost impossible. My solution has been to find copy in my everyday life, by looking at it with a touch of humour, and, though more ambitious MS have been frequently rejected, I have, during the last few years, sold nearly every humorous sketch I have written.

  As I push a pram round the shops I notice special sales or exhibits --"Qur Village in Carnival" (a shopping week), “A Shark in the Village"( A fishmonger's display) were two of my titles. I look in at local shows and find something funny -~ fruit and vegetables, radio, canaries have all figured in my sketches; a trade exhibition gave me not only a ‘free beauty treatment’ but my account of the ordeal and the comments of the audience earned me half-a-guinea as well. 

At home, the mishaps due to a set of mischievous boys have provided several sketches , and of my latest triumph over circumstances I am rather proud. While the family progressed through measles and my only contact with the outside world was the back-door, I wrote and had accepted a series of six ‘Unconventional Callers’, featuring such characters as the Old Clo' Woman and ‘Logs for the Fire‘. 

To those just beginning I would say:"Don't waste time wishing you lived in Fleet St, but walk round your native Muggleton on Squash with eyes open and sense of humour alert and you will find copy in a plenty. But don't think that your first draft will do. It won't. It will ‘need every superfluous word pruned out end the remainder polished hard if a want it to walk straight into print and the editor to ask for more of the same please, 

Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)

A variation on the themes Doris explored in “Seeing The Funny Side” that was published in “The Writer”. This piece references several of her pieces feature on the page showing her Yorkshire Evening Post articles.

Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:

Publication Reference details if known

Writing News Feb 1936

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