Doris M Holden - Writings
Transcripts, manuscript and published versions
“ We are shaking the world,”
He said,
“ With our conflict of black shirt and red,
‘We are clearing the stage
For a saner age,
And the old taboos are dead.”
Said the old, old woman : “ Shake on !
Thave watched men shaking this eighty year,
My son.”
“We have conquered the air”
He said,
“And distance and time are fled
Our liners race
Through realms of space
With their silver wings out-spread.”
Said the old, old woman : “Such fuss!
‘The swallows could do it before they heard Of us!”
“We have finished with God,”
Said he.
“From the shackles of myth break free!
There is little need
Of an out-worn creed
And a futile deity.”
Said the old, old woman: “Let be!
God sits at my fire side waiting to talk to me
Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)
Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:
Publication Reference details if known
The City Temple Tidings October 1937
DMH Cutting
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