
Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions

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Saturday Competition - A Versifying Test

[A first prize of two guineas and a second prize of one guinea were offered for eight line sof verse, the first of which must be “I remember, I remember,” and the last “Across the sands of Dee.”

Peterborough  imagined a wife-killer:

I remember, I remember,

How Mary’s tongue would wag,

From morning until evening

She never ceased to nag.

One night I took her walking,

It was too dark to see-

(How very useful are those tides Across the sands of Dee!)

Any Notes on the Article or Story (If available)

Saturday Competition entry that warranted a special mention in the review of entries. Unfortunately the original entry along with the identity of the newspaper this competition featured in is currently unidentified.

Any available related correspondence, and versions for this piece are shown below:

Publication Reference details if known

Unknown 06 June 1934

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