Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions


When Baby Number Two arrived, I found out, as do all mothers of femilios, what a much simpler matter it is to arrange a nursery for one baby. 

Before he came, I had redecorated the basket discarded by the toddler, and laid in a large supply of the fascinating things that accompany baby's bath. When Nurse left, I arranged my bathing corner as I had done for Number One -- basket, low table for sponge and soap bowls, everything easily to hand. But not for long!

 No sooner had the toddler returned from his visit to Granny, then he marked that corner as his particular property. Busy fingers groped in the basket, and a sprinkler powder tin proved irresistible. Sprayed freely over the floor, it gave a lovely effect, which wes improved when the powder was well rubbed in with baby's face sponge. After that, I became wary, and popped things out of reach as soon as they were finished with, till one day-- 

I had just finished giving baby his bottle, when I was summoned down~ stairs Popping him on the bed, I ran down, quite overlooking the toddler, contentedly playing on the rug. I was away longer than I expected, and as I came upstairs a suspicious quietness made me hasten my steps. The sight that met me made me gasp. There lay baby, a beautific expression on his face, which was smudged across and across with something that looked like treacle. Splashes of it were on the bed and a trail over the floor led to the low table, where stood the toddler, compiling, with the utmost concentration, 8 cocktail of Virol and dill water. As I approached, he raised a large spoonful to his lips, with the satisfied mile of the epicure. As I took the bottles from him, I noticed to my horror that they were both nearly empty. 

Licking the last vestiges with an appreciative tongue, he murmured: “D'ink…Me d’ink…. Baby d’ink.”

How much baby had drunk, I never knew, but to my relief the cocktail party had no ill effects on him. He slept the sounder for it. The toddler it was  who woke in the night. with tummy ache, and early learnt the lesson of not mixing his drinks. 

Notes on the article, if any...

Any available related correspondence or other images associated with this piece is shown below:

  • Davids nursery, presumably the scene of the cocktail party!

    Davids nursery, presumably the scene of the cocktail party!

Publication Reference details if known

Published: Monday 01 December 1930

Newspaper: Yorkshire Evening Post

County: Yorkshire, England

  • Original DMH Cutting

  • British Newspaper Archive

    Yorkshire Evening Post - Monday 01 December 1930

    Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.

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