Doris M Holden - Writings

Transcripts, manuscript and published versions

From a Yorkshire Womans Notebook - For Christmas - Making Jam

Are you making jam? If so, you may be interested in a tip I picked up from a friend the other day. I caught her finishing off her black-currant jelly, and noticed that she filled two or three smaller pots, and put them aside on a separate shelf. Noticing my enquiring glance, she explained: “Christmas presents". "You know how hard it is to find presents for the men folk especially the older ones. Well, two years ago, having been able to think of nothing for my father, I picked out three small pots of home-made. Jam, plum, apricot, and black-currant jelly tied them down with scarlet covers, adorned them with a sprig of holly, and presented them. It was a lovely success. Father showed everyone ‘the jam my daughter made.’ adding "No pips, either. Can't stand 'pippy' jam nowadays, thats what I call a sensible present.” So now, you see; I put aside a pot’ or two off all the ‘non-pippy'  kinds as I make them, and one worry at Christmas is removed." This is a good idea, for those difficult men who"don't want anything."

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Publication Reference details if known

Published: Wednesday 05 August 1931

Newspaper: Yorkshire Evening Post

County: Yorkshire, England

  • British Newspaper Archive

    Yorkshire Evening Post - Wednesday 05 August 1931

    Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.

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